Antelope Park, Zimbabwe

Antelope Park consists of 3000 acres of open savannah grassland and boasts a plethora of flora and fauna, with over 20 mammal species and discover over 190 different species of birds. It is home to the world-famous African Lion and Environmental Research Trust (ALERT) lion rehabilitation programme, which is a multiphase lion conservation initiative. It is Africa’s first genuine programme working to ethically re-introduce the offspring of captive-bred African lions back into the wild.

African Lion amd Environmental Research Trust (Alert)

A multiphase lion conservation initiative. It is Africa’s first genuine program working to ethically re-introduce the offspring of captive-bred African lions back into the wild.

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Antelope Park Carriage Ride, Zimbabwe

Climb aboard a teak, mule-drawn carriage and experience Africa as they did in the past.
It’s the ‘Africa Of Old’ experience. No engine noise gives you close encounters with animals

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Elephant Encounter

African Elephants came to the Park in the early 1990s, when they were rescued from almost certain death during a severe drought.
Happily, they now get to spend most of their day grazing in the park, and you can join Amai, Ntombi, Jecha and Chibi as they browse trees and socialise; an incredible chance to experience Africa’s gentle giants in their natural habitat.

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